The Night Sky in May 2021

The month of May has finally arrived, and you know what the means, spring has sprung! The days are longer and brighter, the promise of warmer weather and (most importantly) there’s not one, but two bank holiday weekends! If you are anything like me, you’ll be doing some stargazing. But, what exactly is there to look out for this month? Well, let me tell you.  Early this May Read more…

5 Interesting NGC Objects!

NGC stands for the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, which is an astronomical catalogue of deep sky objects and was compiled in 1888 by the 4th director of the Armagh Observatory John Dreyer. To this day the NGC catalogue is still used by Astronomers all over the world and remains one of our many claims to fame! The catalogue contains 7840 objects Read more…

Early Animal Astronauts

During the early years of the space programme, and before humans ever ventured beyond Earth’s atmosphere, our non-human companions were sent into space – but why? In these early days humans were unclear whether we could even survive in space! Information gathered by sending animals into space first paved the way Read more…