Brandolini’s Law: Climate – How Climate Change Works
Following from last week’s introduction to our climate change series, this week we have an article explaining how climate change actually works and why it happens. Firstly, we will be drawing on our sister planet Venus as an example. Earth’s Evil Twin Earth and Venus are, on the face of Read more…
Measuring Earth’s Gravity at AOP
Measuring Gravity As part of a survey to determine the true topography of Ireland by Ordnance Survey Ireland, AOP has recently hosted an experiment designed to measure the Earth’s gravity to an incredible precision, just 10 nms-2! That’s an incredible 0.00000001 ms-2! To put into context just how accurate that Read more…
5 Things To Thank The International Space Station For
When the first module of the International Space Station (ISS) launched from Kazakhstan in 1998, humans just had a small orbiting home, about the size of a bus. Over the past two decades it has expanded beyond recognition, and is now an orbiting science laboratory that is literally out of Read more…
5 Theories and Conspiracies Debunked
With Space Exploration comes theories and conspiracies. In our latest blog we debunk some of the more infamous ones.