5 Theories and Conspiracies Debunked
With Space Exploration comes theories and conspiracies. In our latest blog we debunk some of the more infamous ones.
With Space Exploration comes theories and conspiracies. In our latest blog we debunk some of the more infamous ones.
As a species we human beings are rather obsessed with the end of our world and how that is going to happen. From zombie apocalypses to giant asteroids hitting the Earth, we’ve pretty much thought of everything. However there is a new idea in town, and it makes giant asteroids Read more…
For those of you that are still bearing the psychological scars from Pluto’s demotion from planet to dwarf planet a decade ago, here is news that may add salt to the wounds. Published recently in the Astronomical Journal, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown claim they have found evidence of a Read more…
Newly discovered small Solar System body V774104 may seem just another tiny, cold and remote world beyond Neptune but this is an important finding as its mere existence suggests that the wastes of the outer Solar System are considerably more populous than we thought a couple of decades ago. Read more…
One of the latest members of the Solar System to be discovered, 2012 VP113 is a tiny isolated world in the outer Solar System. It’s attracting attention as it could one day help lead astronomers to discover a whole new planet. Flying outward from the Sun, away from the Read more…
It’s the end of the world as we know it….or maybe not. Predictions of the end of the world have often been made throughout history. However, few have captured the attention of so many such as the 2012 end of the world saga; brought to the forefront of consciousness by Read more…