August 2023 Weather in Armagh

AUGUST WARMER, WETTER AND SUNNIER THAN AVERAGE.  SUMMER FOURTH WARMEST ON RECORD AT ARMAGH, ALSO WETTER AND SUNNIER THAN AVERAGE Armagh Observatory reports that August 2023 was warmer, wetter and sunnier than average. Unusually, this month also recorded the first two named storms of the 2022/2023 season.  Taking June, July Read more…

April 2022 Weather in Armagh

APRIL DRIER AND SUNNIER THAN AVERAGE WITH ROUGHLY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE Armagh Observatory reports that April 2022 was drier and sunnier than average and with roughly average temperature.  This was the fourth April in a row with average or lower-than-average precipitation.  Although sunnier than average it was much less sunny than Read more…

October 2021 Weather in Armagh

WARMEST OCTOBER AT ARMAGH FOR 15 YEARS, SUNNIER THAN AVERAGE AND WITH ABOUT AVERAGE RAINFALL. Armagh Observatory, 11th November 2021:  Armagh Observatory reports that October 2021 was much warmer and sunnier than average, with roughly average rainfall.  This was the warmest October at Armagh for 15 years. The mean temperature Read more…