In association with BBC Stargazing Live 2015 and the Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomical Society (NIAAS) Armagh Planetarium is opening its doors for a free open evening on Tuesday 24th of March 2015.
We will be open from 7pm-9pm with a screening of our Digital Theatre show “Beyond the Blue: A Stargazing Journey” at 7.30pm. This Theatre show is a tour around the night sky as seen from Ireland at this time of the year.
Members from NIAAS will be on hand with their telescopes to show you the delights of the night sky and allow you to view the cosmos with new perspective. If you would like to join in please be aware that observing can be done only if the sky is clear. The Digital Theatre show will go ahead regardless of the weather!
Come along and join us and if you have your own telescope or binoculars why not bring them along too?
This open night is ideal for anyone starting out in astronomy or wanting to learn more about the night sky and don’t forget to wrap up warm!* Pre-booking is essential for the Digital Theatre Show
Date: Tuesday 24th of March
Open: 7.00pm-9.00pm
Show time: 7.30pm
Suitability: Public – Over 6 for Theatre Show
Cost: Free
Contact: Call 02837 523689 to book.
(Article by Martina Redpath, Senior Education Support Officer)