Armagh Observatory and Planetarium (AOP) will showcase its prestigious show, “Our Place in the Cosmos” at free special screenings, as well as an opportunity to meet with PhD students.

Get tickets for the PhD afternoon at

The dome show, which was created for COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow last November, demonstrates the impacts of Global Warming on Earth.

Titled “Our Place in the Cosmos”, the specially composed show by Professor Michael Burton, is a planetarium full dome show about the fragile place planet Earth resides in our Galaxy, the only habitat yet known that can sustain life.

Armagh-made Full dome show

The show illustrates the contrasts of Earth and its nearest planetary neighbours, Venus, and Mars. It delves into their atmospheres to show how oceans might look on these planets, it illustrates what would happen to the Earth’s continents should sea levels rise.

Armagh Observatory is known globally as a leader in the field of astronomical research, undertaken continuously there since its foundation in 1790. Armagh currently has 11 PhD students who are working on research from ranging from studying flares on the Sun to understanding the evolution of distant galaxies.

Professor Michael Burton, Director at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium said: “We are extremely proud of our team here and our PhD students are working on innovative ideas and concepts in astronomy. The research we undertake is also a vital ingredient of the advanced training our students receive in the methodology of science.  For those who didn’t get to see our planetarium show written for COP26 last year, this is an opportunity to get learn more about our home planet and the special conditions that led to an environment suitable for for forming and sustaining life over eons.  The show also poses questions about how we sustain our planet for future generations, and links to the kind of research we undertake in Armagh. Our planet is fascinating!  We also welcome donations to our PhD student scholarship fund to help us maintain our PhD programme and train the next generation of students.

Prof. Michael Burton wrote and directed Our Place in the Cosmos

Students at the Southern Regional College in Armagh collaborated with AOP to create a unique soundtrack for this customised show.

Shows are taking place on Friday 11th & Saturday 12th February 2022. Tickets are free of charge, however donations are appreciated to contribute towards AOP’s PhD programme.

More information and tickets can be found at


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